Are French Bulldogs Hypoallergenic Dogs or Bad for Allergy Sufferers?

are French Bulldogs hypoallergenic

Recent research by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, found that around 10% of the population find suffer with allergies relating to dogs. I’ve never suffered from allergies around Claude but given how many people this can affect I decided to do some research into how allergenic French Bulldogs are.

Are French Bulldogs hypoallergenic dogs? No, French Bulldogs are not hypoallergenic. Despite Frenchies being a short-haired breed, they do shed a lot and can be bad for allergy sufferers. There are no dog breeds that are 100% hypoallergenic, and Frenchies can cause allergies in some people.

Can you be allergic to French Bulldogs? 

Yes, you can be allergic to a French Bulldog. If you are in the 10% of people who react badly to dog hair and fur, a Frenchie isn’t a good choice as a pet. Their hair gets everywhere, particularly in the summer when they start to shed.

Are French Bulldogs bad for allergies?

I have this friend who is allergic to so many things; pollen, cats, wheat being just a few. The thing is she really loves our French Bulldog Claude and was even considering getting a Frenchie herself.

Whenever she comes to our house, she develops a really bad allergic reaction. Her eyes will stream, and she will start sneezing. Needless to say, she won’t be getting a Frenchie anytime soon.

can you be allergic to French Bulldogs
You can be allergic to French Bulldogs due to the hair and dander.

Based on what I’ve seen, French Bulldogs are bad for allergies, and can provoke an extreme reaction in those pre-disposed to allergic reactions from dogs. They are not hypoallergenic by any stretch of the imagination and are bad for allergy sufferers.

French Bulldogs are not an option for allergy sufferers

If you really want a Frenchie but you’re worried about allergies, it would recommend that you consider a different dog for your family. Remember though, that no breed is completely hypoallergenic.

If you are still determined to get a Frenchie, first spend some time around someone who has a Frenchie and see how your allergies flare up first. Your reaction might not be as extreme as my friends was.

A dog becomes part of the family, and Frenchies are expensive. Don’t just buy one just because you think they are adorable. If you are an allergy sufferer, a Frenchie could work, depending on how bad your allergies are, but it could also be the wrong dog for you as they are not hypoallergenic

French Bulldogs don’t shed as much as other breeds, but they still do shed a lot. They will lose their undercoat as the weather warms up, so during these seasons it’s important to keep brushing them to get rid of excess fur. To find out just how much read this guide to how much a French Bulldog sheds which includes a video showing you the amount of hair.

are french bulldogs hypoallergenic
This is how much fur and hair I ended up with when giving Claude the Frenchie a brush recently.

What if you can’t resist getting a Frenchie?

If you still really want a Frenchie, it is still possible to have one, as there are some steps you can take to help lessen your allergies.

  • Keep them well groomed: You will need to have your Frenchie groomed regularly. If your French Bulldog is groomed often, this will help remove the dander from their skin.
  • Keep them off the furniture: Also make sure to not have your French Bulldog on your bed or on your furniture where they will leave hair and dander.
  • Regularly wash linen and bedding: It would also be a good idea to regularly wash your linen, your furniture and your dog’s bedding, to reduce the amount of dander in your house.
  • Put them in a dog t-shirt: Another thing you could do to help reduce the amount of dander on your Frenchie, is to put a little t-shirt on them. This might sound strange, but it will help reduce dander on his coat.
  • See how you react: Most importantly, spend time around a French Bulldog first to see how your allergies flare up. If you are an allergy sufferer, it might be a lot more work to get a French Bulldog, in comparison to another breed of hypoallergenic dog.
  • Don’t rush into getting a Frenchie: Make 100% sure that you can deal with a French Bulldog before you bring your new puppy home.

Is there a French Bulldog hypoallergenic mix breed? 

Full disclosure, I don’t have any empirical evidence to back this up, but you might want to find out if there are any combinations of French Bulldog hypoallergenic mix breeds that you cope better with.

are french bulldogs bad for allergies
He might look cute, but French Bulldogs can be bad for allergies.

Previously in the blog I’ve listed some other dog breeds that are often mixed with Frenchies. You might find that the combination of the two reduces your allergic reaction.

My recommendations would be to see if you can spend time with a French Boodle. This is a Frenchie mixed with a Poodle. Poodles are one dog breed said to be better suited as hypoallergenic dog. 

Which dogs are better suited for allergy sufferers?

If you really want a dog, there are other breeds that would be better suited for allergy sufferers. These dogs hardly shed or don’t shed at all. No dog is completely hypoallergenic, but these dogs would be great choices for people who suffer with allergies.

  • Maltese poodle: These little fluffy balls of dynamite, hardly shed at all. Maltese poodles are gentle little dogs who love to play and cuddle.
  • Shih-Tzu: This lovely regal breed of dog is a wonderful companion for allergy sufferers. They don’t shed, unless you brush them, and they have a luxurious long coat and are wonderful lap dogs.
  • West Highland Terrier: Even though these energetic little dogs, do shed a bit, they are still considered as hypoallergenic. They are friendly and playful companions, who bring a lot of joy to their owners. Westies have sweet little faces, but it’s also important to remember that they are terriers and they don’t get along with smaller animals. So, if you have other pets just remember that they might not be friendly with other furry friends.
  • Chinese Crested: This odd-looking pooch is perfect for allergy sufferers, as they are hairless dogs. They hardly shed the hair they do have and are great dogs for people who live in apartments or for those who have small gardens. This friendly dog would be a great addition to the family, as they do well with children and other pets.
  • Labradoodle: If you aren’t really keen on a small lapdog, you might want to get a Labradoodle. This is a mix between a Maltese poodle and a Labrador Retriever. Labradors aren’t hypoallergenic, but the mix creates a hypoallergenic breed of dog that would be great for any family. Labradoodles are active and energetic dogs. If you want a labradoodle that does not shed at all, op for a second-generation Labradoodle, one whose parents are both Labradoodles. If you can find a second-generation pup, you will have a wonderful companion for your family, who doesn’t shed. This is a perfect breed for allergy sufferers.
  • Samoyed: One of my favorites, these beautiful fluffy clouds are perfect for families who suffer from allergies. These wonderful dogs do need an adequate amount of exercise though, so make sure to walk them regularly. They were bred in Siberia and are not suitable dogs for countries with hot climates.
  • Italian Greyhound: These sweet little dogs are really lovely natured pets. They are a mini version of a Greyhound. They are affectionate, alert dogs with a playful spirit. Italian Greyhounds shed very little, which makes them hypoallergenic. This is also the perfect dog for lazy owners, as these little dogs are couch potatoes at heart. They would love to sit and cuddle under a blanket all day if they could.

I recommend you research each type of hypoallergenic dog and see which one would suit your family the best.

In fact, the American Kennel Club recently published their own views on this and stated the following dogs are best for allergy sufferers (view source).

  1. Afghan Hound
  2. American Hairless Terrier
  3. Bedlington Terrier
  4. Bichon Frise
  5. Chinese Crested
  6. Coton de Tuleur
  7. Giant Schnauzer
  8. Irish Water Spaniel
  9. Kerry Blue Terrier
  10. Lagotto Romagnolo
  11. Maltese
  12. Miniature Schnauzer
  13. Peruvian Inca Orchid (Hairless)
  14. Poodle
  15. Portuguese Water Dog
  16. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  17. Spanish Water Dog
  18. Standard Schnauzer
  19. Xoloitzcuintli

It isn’t to say that Frenchies are not right for your family, but you would just need to make sure that your allergies aren’t really bad around them.

There are also a few tips you can follow to reduce allergies when it comes to having a pet dog. 

Tips to help you reduce allergies if you have pets

Here are some more ideas on how you can reduce your allergic reactions when having pets in your home

  1. Bath your dog weekly: If you have allergies, it’s important to bathe your dog once a week, even if they are considered hypoallergenic. Here’s our guide to bathing a French Bulldog.
  2. Use a mild dog shampoo: This will help to wash away any dander that might be on your dog’s skin.
  3. Deep clean your carpets: If you have carpets in your home, make sure to have them deep cleaned regularly. If you can, rather remove all the carpets from your home and have tiles or wooden floors.
  4. Use an air purifier: An air purifier will filter out any dander that is in the air and this will help to reduce any allergies that you might have.
  5. Take medication: Ask your doctor for allergy medication which you could take if your allergies flare up badly. These medications can also help to suppress allergies and prevent allergic reactions.
  6. Wash all linen: It is also important to wash your linen and your dog’s bedding at least once a week, if you want to prevent allergies in your home.
  7. Don’t let them on your furniture: If you can, don’t allow your dog in your bed or on the furniture, if you have allergies.

If you do suffer from allergies, it is possible to have a Frenchie but remember that there are other dogs that are better suited for allergy sufferers.

Good hygiene and grooming play a great part in reducing allergies in the home.

If you are willing to put in the time, you could find the perfect dog for your family, that will allow you to enjoy life allergy free.

Signs you are allergic to a Frenchie 

Sometimes allergies can come out of nowhere. You might have never had an allergic reaction to a dog, but one particular canine might kick it off. Here are the signs to look out for.

  • You start sneezing.
  • You have a runny nose.
  • Your face hurts due to nasal congestion.
  • You start coughing.
  • Your chest feels tight with a shortness of breath.
  • You start to wheeze.
  • You have watery, red or itchy eyes.
  • You develop skin rashes and hives.

Related questions 

Some people Google search the different types of Frenchie to find out if certain French Bulldogs are hypoallergenic. Here’s what I discovered with a few Google searches myself.

 Are Blue French Bulldogs hypoallergenic?

Just like standard Frenchies, Blue French Bulldogs are not hypoallergenic. The only difference will be their colorings, and occasionally their eye colors.

Are Teacup French Bulldogs hypoallergenic?

Teacup Frenchies might be small, but don’t let that fool you. Teacup French Bulldogs are not hypoallergenic, just like their larger cousins. 


Frenchies can be bad for allergies if you are one of the unlucky 10% of people prone to bad reactions according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (view website).

If you do decide to buy a Frenchie, here are things you need to look out for aside from the hypoallergenic question. And it’s not just you that could have health concerns. For example, Frenchies are known to have over 30 common health conditions (you can see them all here), in particular allergic skin problems.

Marc Aaron

I am one of Claude the French Bulldog's human parents. I write about all the things we've learned about owning a Frenchie, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips I've picked up along the way. Read more about Marc Aaron.

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